30 years in existence.. there must be something I learned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


for the first time in weeks, i did not think about you.. i did not brood over the fact that i have not heard from you again. i stopped waiting, anticipating, wishing and hoping that everytime my phone rings, it would be you.. telling me how much you've missed me, or how you have managed to arrange your schedule so you could be with me.. no, you were far from my thoughts.. i kept myself busy so i would not feel the emptiness gnawing at heart... the longing that i have to be wrapped in your arms again.. the aching for another taste of your lips...

.. and then yesterday, i heard your voice... and it was all it took to shatter the wall i built around myself.. like a thief in the night, the memories slowly came... little by little... snippets of our conversations, that one time we gave in to the temptation... that one time i find so difficult to forget.... that one time which has become my undoing..

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